Antartica is one of the most incredible places on this planet. Its nature and wildlife is one of the driving factors that bring tourists to the area; the ability to see whales, seabirds and seals in their natural environment is like no other.
Antartica is a haven for many different types of whale during the summer months; who arrive looking for food. This may consist of fish, penguins, plankton and squid. Antartica have some large whale species migrate throughout the summer months, including humpbacks and the largest animal on earth, the blue whale. Fun Fact: Blue whales can grow up to 100 ft and weigh over 120 tonnes!
Orcas (also more commonly known as Killer Whales) are a popular species of whale that tourists hope to spot whilst visiting Antartica. Orca’s set their sights on bigger pray, such as seals and sea birds and even potentially other whales; due to them hunting in groups rather than individually.
Orca’s have the incorrect perception that they are aggressive to humans, which is not true. Whilst Orca’s have attacked humans in captivity, in the wild this is an extremely rare occurrence, with orca’s being little to no risk for humans. If Orca’s do attack a human, it is because they have mistaken them for their regular prey, such as a seal.

There are four types of seals that live in Antartica; the Crabeater Seal, the Leopard Seal, the Southern Elephant Seal and the Weddell Seal. They are slow predators that hunt by waiting for their prey to appear, instead of going out and stalking in them. Their diets are different dependant upon their species. The Crabeater Seal’s diet may consist of Krill, whilst the Leopard Seal may stalk penguins and even the young of other seal species. Most Seals are very unlikely to pay any attention to humans; except for the leopard seal, who have been known to be aggressive to humans in small boats (eek!). It’s safe to say… give them their own space if they’re nearby.

Penguins are probably the most famous animal of Antartica. There are 17 species of Penguin in the world, with 7 of them being found in Antartica. However, only three of these species can be found there all year round. Some species of Penguins that live in Antartica include Emperor Penguins, King Penguins, Adelie Penguins, Chinstrap Penguins, Gentoo Penguins, Rockhopper Penguins and Macaroni Penguins.
They mostly feed on small fish and krill and spend the majority of their swimming in the water; and come to land during the breeding season and to raise their young.

In Antartica; bugs are king! They are the only land animals who can survive in the harsh climates of Antartica. Bugs can handle the winter months by going into hibernation. During this time they stay completely still. Their blood continues to flow to keep them from freezing; which help them survive through the winter months until the temperature increases during the summer months. Bugs that live in Antartica include Mites and the Chironomid Midge.